Poses 101: Cobra Prep

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You’re only as young as your spine is flexible.

- Joseph Pilates

If you spend most of your day slouched over your computer then you, like millions of others with desk jobs may suffer from poor posture. Studies have shown that kyphosis (rounded upper back) can lead to poor mental and physical wellbeing, lower back pain, neck ache and shallow breathing.

Spinal extension is an essential part of a Pilates class and is the key to create a healthier and more mobile spine. In order to have a healthy spine we need to be is able to move in all available directions. We need to flex (bending forwards), twist, extend (bending backwards), and rotate to help with daily activities.

Performing exercises in extension helps to strengthen the back extensor muscles which in turn can help to prevent back pain and avoid dumping heavy loads and lifts directly into the low back.

Spinal extension is one of the best and most needed ways to improve posture and to maintain balance within the body. The stronger the back is, the more room the abdominals have to move to further develop strength. Overall, creating balance to the muscles on the front as well as the back makes the body stand up taller with more efficient posture.

Cobra Prep (pictured above) is one of my favourite spinal extension exercises and is a wonderful way to mobilise the spine in extension and lengthen the abdominal muscles.


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